I heard a song the other day, it was an older song called Wonder of Wonders. Its a song about the wonder of Jesus and the man/God he is.
- Born of a virgin
- Born in a stable
- A baby that created our universe
- The baby that will grow up to become a living sacrifice for the entire world for all eternity.
That’s a pretty wonderous list!
The wonder of our creation is trumped by the wonder of our God the Father sending his son to become a sacrifice for our sins, our transgressions. Jesus should’ve been born into a kingdom, with gold and purple, a huge party and countless men and women praising his arrival.
Instead, he was born in a smelly stable with animals, barely protected by the elements. A handful of shepherds greeted them, amazed that angels sent them to this barren stable where the Messiah lay.
Poor and without much of anything, Jesus’ earthly parents gave what they had, provided what they could for a king. It hardly seems right, knowing what he came from on heavenly high, seated at the right hand of God his father, surrounded by caroling angels and figures.
The birth of Jesus is a story to remind us that God doesn’t need your gold, your riches, your power or money. He doesn’t desire your kingdom, your home or your party. All he came for was you.
In your poorness, your emptiness, your sin-filled life.
“Oh wonder of wonders, Oh how could it be,
That God became flesh and was given for me,
The Almighty came down and walked among men,
The wonder of wonders, He died for my sins.”
Merry Christmas!